National Youth Contest "Me for My Municipality: one problem - one solution"

The national competition "Me for my municipality: one problem - one solution" is organized by the National Association of Municipalities in the Republic of Bulgaria on the occasion of 12 October - the Day of the Bulgarian Municipality and Local Self-Government.

The aim of the contest is to encourage the active involvement of young people in public life at local level, to stimulate them to participate with creative ideas in the development of their localities, as well as to familiarize them with the challenges and difficulties that mayors, municipal councillors and municipal officials overcome in the process of their work.
The competition is taking place with the active cooperation of the municipalities in the Republic of Bulgaria on a voluntary basis. They can become part of the information campaign for the competition, stimulate young people in the municipality to participate actively, undertake a commitment to implement a ranked proposal, in case it is received by a resident of the relevant municipality, participate with their contribution to enriching the prize fund.


Young people up to the age of 29, inclusive /according to §1, item 1 of the Youth Act/, who are pupils, students or working, have the right to participate in the competition.
Participation in the competition can be individual or in a team.
Participation in the contest is voluntary.
The participants in the competition should send an exposition of their project idea /with text, video, presentation, etc./ in accordance with the conditions of the competition, in electronic format by e-mail of the NSORB, to the address: 
Proposals for participation in the competition are submitted in Bulgarian.
Deadline for receipt of proposals: 15 August 2024.


In 2024, the ideas participating in the competition must be related to the community's efforts to improve the cleanliness of settlements and beyond. Proposals must relate to modern principles of reducing the amount of waste generated, proper and efficient separate collection of waste and increasing recycling rates as well as reuse of household goods.

Participants should consider and propose a campaign among the residents of the municipality to promote separate waste collection, reduce food waste and reuse clothes, furniture and household equipment, etc.
The proposal must contain a detailed description of initiatives and activities that can be implemented independently or jointly with the municipality.
In their proposals, applicants should describe the expected results of the campaign, indicate who the campaign is aimed at, how they themselves would contribute to its implementation and what assistance they would expect from the municipality.


  • Demonstrate the ability to present the proposal in a synthesised and justified manner;
  • present convincingly the need to implement the campaign;
  • the proposed campaign to be feasible;
  • proposed activities to be carried out jointly with the municipality are compatible with the powers of the local authority;
  • the proposed campaign should be aimed at achieving a real effect among citizens and lead to an improvement of the living environment in the settlement;
  • create conditions to involve more stakeholders in the campaign;
  • to enable multiplication in other municipalities.

Requirements for the submission of projects in text format

  • Optimal development length (up to 10 pages)
  • Project Summary / up to 2 pages /
  • Font type and font size - font: Times New Roman 12

Candidates may also present the projects they are applying for in another format of their choice - presentation, video, brochure, etc.


Two representatives of NSORB
Two academics
A representative of the Institute for Market Economics


All submitted proposals will be selected according to the following criteria:
Form of participation

  • individual participants
  • collective participants / team or group.

Age of participants

  •  Pupils;
  •  students and working young people;

Proposals received will be evaluated against the following criteria:

  • Ability to clearly and accurately formulate the idea and structured presentation;
  • Compelling reasons for the importance and relevance of the campaign;
  • Realism and feasibility of the idea;
  • Relevance and impact for citizens and society;
  • Personal contribution of the candidate;
  • Opportunity to involve organizations and people to implement the idea;
  • Possibility to apply the idea in other localities;


In the National Youth Competition "Me for my municipality: one problem - one solution" a prize fund of BGN 5 000 will be distributed.
One prize of BGN 1 000 will be awarded to the winners in each category:

  • individual participants;
  • collective participants/team or group;
  • Pupils;
  • students and working young people.

Two incentive prizes of BGN 500 each will be awarded.

The winners will be announced on the website of the NSORB. The awards will be presented at a special ceremony during the Annual Meeting of Local Authorities in October 2024.

NSORB will assist the awarded projects to receive support for their implementation from the respective municipality of the applicant.

For further information:
Iva Ivanov - PR, Communications and Publications Department of NSORB,


The site was developed under project No. BGLD-2.001-0009 "Opportunity for young people to express themselves - creation of a youth center in Gabrovo", financed by the FM of the EEA 2014-2021.