Program for financing youth initiatives

The Municipality of Gabrovo, through the Gabrovo Youth Center, announces the first call for a program for financing youth initiatives.

Among the main goals of the program is the involvement of young people in the process of creating the Gabrovo Youth Center, making decisions for the development of the Gabrovo Municipality and increasing their degree of participation in the life of the local community.

Youth initiatives can be offered by:

  • Individual - natural persons between the ages of 15 and 29 from the Gabrovo region;
  • Team - an informal group of young people aged 15 to 29 from the Gabrovo region.

Youth initiatives not can be offered by:

  • NGOs;
  • Municipal and state institutions;
  • Educational institutions.

The maximum amount of funding for a youth initiative is up to BGN 2500 

It is a mandatory condition that the projects be implemented on the territory of the municipality of Gabrovo!!!

Youth initiatives should be in the following directions:

  • Youth Leadership - Young people are drawing the horizons of our future!

Important priorities for us are civic education and media literacy, interaction with formal education and public authorities; defense of civil rights and development opportunities for young people; skill development; active youth dialogue; youth online activism, etc.

  • Culture and creativity - Creativity is a way to fully express ourselves!

The use of different areas of culture and creative activities for engagement, development and expression of talents (theatre, music, dance, etc.)

  • Sports and activities – Sports teach us discipline, self-respect and responsibility!

Campaigns and initiatives aimed at young people for a healthy, environmentally friendly and active lifestyle.

  • Nature and ecology - Nature can do without man, but man cannot do without it.

Among the priorities in this direction are organic agriculture, ecology, energy efficiency, etc.

  • Health and well-being - Health makes us a strong team of confident young people!

Initiatives related to healthy eating, family planning, sexual health, etc.

Proposals can be submitted up to and including May 15, 2022.

You can download more information about the initiative, funding, application documents, deadlines and more from the links:

Information about the program for financing youth initiatives

Link to application form

Project No. BGLD-2.001-0009-C01 "Opportunity for young people to express themselves - creation of youth center in Gabrovo" of the Municipality of Gabrovo is financed under the Program "Local Development, Poverty Reduction and Improved Inclusion of Vulnerable Groups", Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area 2014-2020.

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The site was developed under project No. BGLD-2.001-0009 "Opportunity for young people to express themselves - creation of a youth center in Gabrovo", financed by the FM of the EEA 2014-2021.