Erasmus+ project on human rights

Is there anything better than creating your own fairy tale? Yes, to discover it quite by accident. That's what happened to me.

I was sitting in a chair at home, staring at a monitor that I was already sick of, and miraculously I received a message. It was related to a project called "The right to have a human right" organized by an association "The change is in you". I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I only knew that it would be in the city of Tryavna, I would learn a lot and practice my English. Risk wins, risk loses.

The moment we arrived I started to worry. I had all kinds of scenarios coming up in my head and 95% of them I failed miserably… I ignored everything! The people were extremely warm. As the evening wore on, more and more started arriving and I had already forgotten what worry was… until the next morning. I woke up extremely nervous and clueless. I don't think I was the only one who felt this way, so the amazing Mr. Stanimir Chukov (project organizer) decided to break the ice. We started with some fun but group-getting-to-know activities and moved on to the important part, namely: Expectations, Fears and Competence. We hoped that the things we wrote on those sheets would really come true or help. I will never forget Stan's words: "It's a safe place here, no one will judge you, no one will stop you from being yourself, and here being wrong is not failing." Those words turned everything around!

After spending the first day getting to know each other and doing some light preparation, we started working in groups. Our goal was to understand how we feel most comfortable and productive. Of course, it was desirable for everyone to try to be a leader in a given group, but this is not a role for everyone. Some even confuse the term leader with boss. There is a difference, and it was a rather important topic for the day. A leader must know himself well, so we were presented with a Youthpass to upgrade every day of our stay. What is this? Well, something like your personal diary, in which you have the opportunity to fill in your own view of your work and abilities.

From day three, the real work on the topic in question began. Of course, with a little organizational and creative help in the beginning. We learned about some methods for structuring ideas and the process of achieving them. Some of these methods were: brainstorming, six hats of Bono and mind mapping. For many of us mind mapping it was confusing but they quickly explained what it was. We were divided into groups, each with a leader who had used the technique before. The main topic of this assignment was human rights. Thus began the execution of our main tasks related to the project. After finishing the methods, we were divided into new groups and given a goal: to come up with an interactive, fun and educational game about human rights. The deadline for this assignment was the next day.

In the process of completing the game presentations, we were also introduced to our main task for this project – creating a spectacular way to present the project and its meaning. We looked at our ideas ourselves and split into interest groups. We had two days to finish. Of course. there was no way these days were just work days. We also had the right to rest, and one of the most interesting things during our free time was the cultural evenings. The series of such evenings was opened by Romania.

. We looked at our ideas ourselves and split into interest groups. We had two days to finish. Of course. there was no way these days were just work days. We also had the right to rest, and one of the most interesting things during our free time was the cultural evenings. The series of such evenings was opened by Romania. music performance, video, comic pages. We felt satisfied with our work. Then it was time to learn more about more countries.

DAY SIX!!! Why is it in capital letters? Because it was one of the best days. We impressed the foreigners with the riches of Veliko Tarnovo. We were able to visit the Museum of Illusions, try traditional food and hear the unique stories of Tarnov residents.

After another day of hard work, we could finally say that we were done with the big project. Each group proudly presented what they created, and looking at the final product, we realized what a good team we are. It was after this insight that we were given the final task: to collect all these experiences, days of work, moments of fun and bring them together in a project brochure.

Other intercultural evenings also took place that day.

Creating a brochure was a fairly easy task because every day a country described the day. The hard part was realizing that this experience is coming to an end and you won't see all these people anymore, you won't sit at the same table with them as you did in the last days, and this Erasmus+ project will never happen again. So as we put everything together, we enjoyed every word spoken and every smile... We knew it would be one of the last.

We left this project with knowledge, skills, ambitions and memories. I will never forget this experience and it will forever remain deep in my heart as the first of many wonderful adventures Erasmus+ projects.

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The site was developed under project No. BGLD-2.001-0009 "Opportunity for young people to express themselves - creation of a youth center in Gabrovo", financed by the FM of the EEA 2014-2021.