A student competition on the theme "The Return" is announced by the Regional Administration - Gabrovo. The creative competition will be held in two categories- for drawing and for text.
In category "drawing" the participants are divided into three age groups - 1-4th grade, 5-7th grade and 8-12th grade. There is no limit to the techniques and materials used to create the paintings.
The only mandatory condition is that one of the sights in the Gabrovo region should be included in the image.
The drawings are accepted in the building of the Regional Administration-Gabrovo on weekdays until January 16, 2023. inclusive. Each work must also contain the personal details of the student - the three names, school, class and contact phone number written on the back of the drawing.
In category "text" all students from 5th to 12th grade can join. They are divided into two age groups - grades 5-7 and grades 8-12.
In the "prose" section, short stories of up to 3 printed pages (Times New Roman 14, spacing 1.5) are accepted.
In the poetry section, works should be up to 2 printed pages (Times New Roman 14, spacing 1.5).
Participation in the contest implies the development of textual material on the given topic, and the place of action should be located in the Gabrovo region (for poetic works, only a mention of a settlement, locality or landmark located in the region is allowed).
Developments are accepted by email: pr@gb.government.bg. The letter must also contain the student's personal data - the three names, school, class and contact phone number. The deadline for sending the materials is January 16, 2023.
Only works of students from the Gabrovo region will be considered.